Monday, December 11, 2006

Day 1

I am experimenting with a product called demonic confidence by archer sloan. The product consists of different tasks for each day. for 21 days.

For task 1 - was pretty straight forward really. Go out an ask random women for the time. Aim to ask 1 woman per minute, for a minimum of 30 mins and maximum of 2 hours.

Initially I thought I'd skip this step, but later decided to go with the program. I am used to cold approaching women naturally. So I thought it would be a doddle - to ask for the time. I actually found it harder than expected. I was scaring the living daylight out of some of the women, and I felt sort of bad for scaring them, and having them run away from me.

I think maybe it was due to the timing, it was 6pm (december) and was very dark, I asked women on the streets first, 9/10 of the women refused to give the time, maybe they thought I was going to rob them or something. It was understandable. I am 6'2" and was wearing a long navy peacoat with torn designs. Who wouldn't be scared?

SoI decided to walk into shops, libriaries, mini-malls, and hit the tourist places. I took the train (subway for yanks) Which cost me 30 mins. Once I hit the touristy places it was pretty easy, more people were around and girls felt more secure I think. I also calibrated a lot, I decided to keep my distance and talk louder. The difference in their reaction was almost magical.

I asked 40 women in just under 2 hours (110 mins), minus the tube journey would be 80 mins, which isnt that bad, 1 woman ever 2 minutes.

I can understand why Archer placed a limit of 2 hours, because towards the end I got BORED.

This task in my view was awesome, I can understand why the program creators chose this. Right from the start the program is getting guys to get used to demanding stuff from women. Which was always hard for me to do being a former 'nice guy'.

OK the second part of the tasks requires me to jot down what I want from this

I want to be able to walk up to a woman, and be able to have a fun conversations with me and be hooked into me like chick crack. I want her to want me so much that she's constantly trying to hang out with me.

I want to have a series of girlfriends who I consider to be 9's and 10's no less.

I want to be the heart and soul of the party and not be the 'bystander' or the dude on the side.

I wan to have more friends, I want friends wherever I go.

I want to use these social skills to befriend both guys and girls, I want to it to help me in business and just generally being able to get people to warm to me much more.

I want these social skills to help me generate wealth and have the kind of abundance where I can freely distribute it amongst my close friends.

I want to be famous.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just thought I'd let you know that you're actually ruining this program for anyone interested in using it.

In order for this system to be most effective, you need to sneak up on your subconscious. Your subconscious should not know what the next day's exercise is.

However, the fact that you've laid it out like this makes it impossible for anyone who's interested in actually going through the process to succeed.

Not revealing the next day's exercise keeps your subconscious from realizing you're building up to something. That's where a lot of the effectiveness comes from.

All you're doing is triggering subconscious resistance for those who read your blog.

I'm asking you to remove these pages. You're more than welcome to leave your feelings after doing the exercises, but don't share the exercises themselves. You're honestly making it worse for anyone who reads your blog.

Please think about it.

Lucas West
creator of Demonic Confidence